Switch Resources
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OneSwitch.org offers a wealth of engaging activities for switch users. The website says that it is a resource of fun ideas and 'assistive technology' aimed at moderate to severely learning/physically disabled people of all ages.

Papunet Online switch accessible activities--puzzles, drawing, stories, memory, dominoes, word and mouse skills.

HelpKidzLearn is a site that offers free software and online activities, including activities designed to build switch skills. There is a wide variety of games and activities that can be used to engage students of all ages. Check out the new Mouse Movement activity.

Priory Woods is a special education school in Middlesbrough, England that serves students of all ages. It provides education for students with severe learning and profound and multiple needs. The site has over 150 free programs for switch, touchscreen and pointing devices. The videos are engaging and motivating.
Early Learning
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do2Learn provides interactive songs and games. Topics covered include emotions, street safety, sequencing, creating a room, number, word and color concepts. There are free downloadable low tech materials available on this site. |
Hiyah The high quality activities available here are easy to install. The programs are designed to be activated by a single key on the computer. Subject areas range from early numeracy and literacy to desensitizing dental visits. |
Knee Bouncers was developed because of a perceived lack of games and activities for small children. The games and activities are cause and effect in nature and very fun and engaging.
Poison Rouge contains numerous engaging and high quality early learning activities intended for pre-schoolers.
French spoken here.
kindersay is a free online video website designed to help preschool learners and ESL children learn English words. Over 500 online activities are available in a special Word Show format. |
Sebran's ABC is a suite of early learning activities to develop literacy and numeracy skills. This is a program that must be downloaded and installed on your PC computer. French spoken here. (The activities may be played in multiple languages, including Frency. It is easy to switch between languages.) |
Art and Multimedia
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KerPoof Studio "Kerpoof's multimedia software is used by kids worldwide to create original artwork, animated movies, stories, greeting cards and more. The site is meant to be fun, but we're serious about its educational value. Elementary and middle school teachers can use Kerpoof in many ways to enhance classroom activities while meeting a range of educational standards." |

myoats is an online application with a set of tools that anyone can use to create striking visual images. Artwork created with myoats is shared in an online gallery. |
Literacy - Primary
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Browser Books offers books created by first grade authors that allow other beginning readers to read their books in their web browser. Readers click on words that they are unsure of to hear them spoken. The books have been sorted by level and subject.
Literacy Center.Net - Literacy Center.Net offers online activities that support learning to make upper and lower case letters, shapes, words, numbers and more Activities are available in English, French, German and Spanish.

Literactive is a site that provides online reading materials for pre-school to Grade 1 students. All the readers are levelled. There are phonics activities numerous supplemental reading materials. You need to register to enjoy all the free material on this site, but registration is free.

Speakaboos The authors say that Speakaboos brings classic children's entertainment into a digital world. Beloved characters and treasured stories are given new life through amazing celebrity performances, beautiful illustrations, and original music. At Speakaboos, children develop literacy skills while learning about technology in a safe and fun environment.
Sight Words Buddy is a program that can be downloaded and installed on a Windows computer for use off line. The activity is a simple game that drills Dolch words, from pre-primer through third grade. |
Starfall is a rich site for early learners. The focus is on literacy, but there are numerous activities available to help develop other basic skills.
Tumble Books is a paid service that offers "e-books for e-kids". Subscriptions are often purchased by public libraries and made available through the library free of charge.
The Most Commonly Used Words is a program that may be downloaded and installed on any Windows computer. |
Literacy - Intermediate/Secondary
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CliffsNotes offers literature guides for middle school and secondary learners, with an extensive collection of study aids. These include book summaries (available in print or audio formats), chapter summaries, plot and character analyses, author biographies, and more. CliffsNotes provides guides for other subject areas as well.

sparknotes offers literature guides for middle school and secondary learners, with an extensive collection of study aids. These include plot overview, chapter summaries and analyses, explanations of important quotations, and more. sparknotes provides guides for other subject areas as well.
WikiSummaries offers book summaries that are available to middle school and secondary learners. The wiki welcomes summaries from anyone, so this offers the opportunity for learners to make a meaningful contribution
ManyThings is a site for ESL and FSL students. It has a variety of quizzes and games, speaking, vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, singing and many other activities to explore and engage learners.
AudioOwl offers audio versions of many books that are in the public domain. Books may be downloaded in mp3, iPod and iTunes formats. AudioOwl's books originate with LibriVox, where the books are recorded by volunteer readers. |
PicLits is a creative writing site that matches beautiful images with carefully selected keywords in order to inspire you. The object is to put the right words in the right place and the right order to capture the essence, story, and meaning of the picture. |
Simple English Wikipedia is Wikipedia with easy words and shorter sentences. The Simple English Wikipedia is for everyone! That includes children and adults who are learnning English.

Literacy Zone from Woodlands Junior School offers numerous activities to support intermediate literacy development, along with early literacy activities.
Desription and URL
Math Playground is an action packed math site for elementary and middle school students featuring math games, math word problems, math worksheets, logic puzzles, and math videos. |

Multimedia Math Glossary This is an interactive glossary of elementary math terms that have been organized into six levels, or “volumes”. Terms are defined and illustrated. Each definition may be read aloud in a clear human voice simply by clicking on an audio icon. When a definition contains another mathematical term, it is linked to the definition of that term. |
Brightstorm Math Site claims to be 'Your Free 24/7 Math Solution' with over 1800 online videos by top notch math teachers. Covers every math topic: Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus and Trigonometry (Calculus coming soon). There are quick, clear explanations of concepts and homework problems |
National Library of Math Manipulatives is a library of
of uniquely interactive, web-based virtual manipulatives or concept tutorials for mathematics instruction (K-12 emphasis). |
2+2 Mathematics for Children Program that downloads and installs on the computer to offer primary and intermediate math activities.
WebMATH is a math-help web site that generates answers to specific math questions and problems, as entered by a user, at any particular moment. The math answers are generated and displayed real-time, at the moment a web user types in their math problem and clicks "solve." In addition to the answers, Webmath also shows the student how to arrive at the answer. |

algebasics offers systematic algebra instruction, where the learner is in control of the pace of the lesson and always has the option of going over challenging points again. Lessons are presented and illustrated simply and clearly.

MathTV is a growing set of instructional videos that present concepts in basic mathematics, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. Instruction is by math teachers with effective and approachable communication styles.
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Peep and the Big Wide World is a site designed to engage early learners in a comprehensive science program. Activities and games are anchored in a daily video about a newly hatched chick named Peep and his adventures in the “big wide world”. |
kapili is an extensive illustrated set of science sites--CHEM4KIDS, BIOLOGY4KIDS, GEOGRAPHY4KIDS, COSMOS4KIDS, PHYSICS4KIDS. There's also a math site called NumberNut.com. These present information in an accessible and well organized manner. Text-to-speech via CLiCk,Speak in Firefox works well here |
Science Up Close is an interactive science resource that supports a UDL approach in the elementary/primary school classroom. Information is available visually, auditorily, and as printed text. Keyboard commands are available for learners who cannot use a mouse. Closed captioning is available for some activities.
Windows to the Universe presents the same content at the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. It discusses topics about the our planet, the solar system, and the universe.
Social Studies
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National Geographic Explorer This site is an online news magazine. It offers a picture bank that is available for download, for upper elementary and middle school.

ARKive could be listed under Science or Socials. It is billed as "...a free multi-media educational resource with downloadable, ready to use audio-visual modules on a wide range of science and environmental based topics." Resources are organized under three main headings--science, geography, and other.
Multiple Subjects
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2Learn.ca is a Canadian site that houses an extensive library of resources and links to interactives for learners--covering all subjects for all ages. French spoken here (Pour Apprendre) |
Bailey’s, Millie’s and Sammy’s These are fun, interactive and engaging activities to support learning in language arts, math, science and time/place. It is a fun filled site for primary learners.

CurriculumSET is a collection of resources that have been created by educators working with students who use assistive technology. It is a searchable data base of activities for use in Clicker 5, Classroom Suite, Boardmaker, etc. The resources are based on the ten areas of the curriculum as set out by the BC Ministry of Education.

Crickweb The authors say that there are 190 free to use educational interactive resources for Primary Schools. 30 free to use fun games for kids aged 4-11. 120 plus links to free interactive, image and software resources.
French spoken here.

Tar Heel Reader offers thousands of accessible books that cover many subject areas--with engaging photos and limited text. The books can be read silently or aloud online. They can also be downloaded as PowerPoint files that work well with PowerTalk, the free text-to-speech plugin for PowerPoint. French spoken here.
HippoCampus offers multimedia lessons and course materials to help with homework and study for secondary and college learners. Material is available for most subject areas. |
Internet4Classrooms contains an extensive catalog of links to websites that support learning in all subject areas and at all levels. The activities give learners opportunity to practice recognizing and using the 400 most commonly used English words.
readwritethink "A World of Educational Materials at Your Fingertips". This site contains a wealth interactive resources for the K-12 classroom. You can search for material based on keyword and grade level. Free browser plug-ins are available to provide high-quality, interactive resources for the K–12 classroom--from the Technical Support page. |
Funbrain websites contains a variety of engaging 'edu-taining' activities covering areas of math, language arts, social studies, and science. Grades K-8.
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ZAC Browser is a web browser that has been designed specifically for children with autism and autism spectrum disorders, but it is a browser with great potential for other early learners as well. ZAC Browser is a real browser (you must be online to use it) with a carefully prescribed and limited online environment. |
Triptico e-Learning Design and Training - Many free interactive resources that are fully customizable and fun. There are several spinners and timers that can be totally customized and used for a variety of activities and games that your class could use. They want you to send them any ideas that you have for new resources that could be added to their library. (As far as we know, all are free with the exception of the new Word Magnets 2.0) |
Dance Mat Typing from BBC Schools offers systematic keyboard instruction and practice. The lessons are zany, but engaging. |
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